Lukens Lake Satellite View

Hike Distance:  1.6 miles (2.5 km) roundtrip for the short route starting from the Tioga Road; 4.6 miles (7.4 km) roundtrip for the route starting from the White Wolf Lodge
Lukens Lake Elevation:  8,200 feet (2,460 meters)
Total Elevation gain:  200 feet (60 meters) for the short route; 300 feet (90 meters) for the long route

The green line on the map marks the shorter trail, starting from Tioga Road. The blue line marks the longer route from White Wolf.

There are several turnouts along Tioga Road in the area of the turnout for the Lukens Lake trailhead, but the one at the trailhead is the only one with bearproof lockers in the parking lot. There's also usually a sign marking the Lukens Lake trail, though you have to be watching carefully because it's on the opposite (north) side of the road from the trailhead pullout.

If you're taking the longer route, you need to turn off the Tioga Road at White Wolf and take the White Wolf Road for roughly a mile to the trailhead, which is right at the White Wolf Lodge.