Yosemite Hikes Home » Tioga Pass Road » Dog Lake » Satellite View

Dog Lake Satellite View

Distance: 2.8 miles (4.5 km) round trip
Trailhead Elevation: 8,500 feet (2,550 meters)
Dog Lake Elevation: 9,240 feet (2,815 meters)
Elevation Gain: 750 feet (225 meters)

Navigation:  Click on the arrow buttons near the top left edge of the window to pan the view area, or just click and drag with your mouse. Click on the + and - buttons to zoom in and out. Click on any of the icons for further information.

Notes:  The Dog Lake trailhead (see the little hiker icon at the bottom of the window) is just at the eastern edge of Tuolumne Meadows, and lots of hikers use the Dog Lake trailhead as a starting point for exploring the meadow. The big bump you see just north of the trailhead is Lembert Dome; there's a trail to the top of it that approaches from the east. If you keep going north from Dog Lake, the trail ends after 4.5 miles (7.5 km) at Young Lakes. If you mouse over the "Sat" button and check the "Show Labels" box, Google should show you the Young Lakes trail.