Artist Point Satellite View

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Distance:  2 miles (3.2 km) round trip
Elevation at trailhead:  4,400 feet (1,340 meters)
Elevation Gain:  500 feet (150 meters)

The yellow line marks the Pohono Trail, which you'll follow for the first half of the hike, and the orange line marks the old stagecoach road, which will lead you the rest of the way to Artist Point. The hillside below Artist Point is covered with manzanitas, which show DeVito-like restraint in the height department so the rest of us can enjoy the view.

Highway 41 disappears into the Tunnel View's titular tunnel just to the left of the parking lot; you'll have to scroll a surprising distance to the west to find the road again. Scroll a little ways north and you'll see Highway 140 heading west into the Merced River Canyon and the Big Oak Flat Road splitting away from it and heading north to Crane Flat and points beyond.