Wawona Meadow Loop Satellite View

Distance:  3.5 mile (5.6 km) or 5 mile (8 km) loop
Elevation at trailhead:  4,000 feet (1,220 meters)
Elevation Gain:  Practically none for the short loop; around 500 feet (150 meters) for the long loop

The Wawona area is southern Yosemite's commercial hub, with a hotel, gas station, and general store, all just to the north of the meadow loop trail. This area is also home to the Wawona Pioneer History Center, a collection of 19th century buildings gathered from around the park, and a shuttle bus stop (in front of the general store) where you can catch free buses to the Mariposa Grove.

The western trailhead shown above is the easiest to find; it's directly across the road from the Wawona Hotel. The eastern trailhead is only slightly harder to find; it's a few hundred meters up the road, just beyond the last green on the golf course. The dark green line on the map represents the main meadow loop. The light green line marks the long-route detour that turns the hike into a 5-mile workout, climbing to the ridgeline on the opposite side of Highway 41 before descending to the Wawona Hotel again.