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Pohono Trail Satellite View

Distance:  13 miles (21 km) one way
Elevation at trailhead:  4,400 feet (1,340 meters) at the Tunnel View; 7,200 feet (2,200 meters) at Glacier Point
Elevation Gain:  3,700 feet (1,130 meters) including Sentinel Dome; 3,400 feet (1,030 meters) without it

Map Key (left to right)

The leftmost green line segment:  This is the trail section leading from the Tunnel View up to Stanford Point (or the reverse, for most hikers). It's the steepest part of the trail, climbing 2,200 feet (670 meters), and is particularly punishing if you're hiking it uphill.

The pink balloon:  This is Inspiration Point. Its views are similar to those from the Tunnel View, but there are only a couple spots left where they aren't obscured by trees now.

The green hikers:  These mark the trailheads - the left one at the Tunnel View, the right one at Glacier Point.

The three blue balloons and the blue line segment:  The balloons mark, from left to right, Stanford, Crocker, and Dewey Points. They're the usual destinations for hikers on the Dewey Point Trail.

The red line segment:  This is the Dewey Point Trail, which is also the Pohono Trail for its northernmost two miles. If you take it southbound instead of staying on the Pohono Trail, you'll reach McGurk Meadow in a mile and the Glacier Point Road another mile past that. If you scroll down to see the road, you should be able to spot the Badger Pass Ski Area a few miles west.

The rightmost green line segment:  This section of the Pohono Trail, roughly six miles long, takes you from Glacier Point to the intersection with the Dewey Point Trail.

The green balloon:  This marks the spot where the Pohono Trail crosses Bridalveil Creek. The trail climbs a thousand feet between here and Taft Point. The creek bed is visible on the satellite view; a couple miles to the north it becomes Bridalveil Fall.

The purple balloon:  Taft Point.

The cyan balloon:  Sentinel Dome. The Pohono Trail goes past the base of the dome, but not up it. You'll have to add another quarter mile and 300 vertical feet to your hike if you want to see the panoramic views from the dome.