McGurk Meadow Satellite View

Distance:  1.8 miles (2.9 km) round trip
Trailhead Elevation:  6,900 feet (2,100 meters)
Elevation Change: 100 feet (30 meters)

Satellite views are invaluable because they can reveal important geological facts that aren't apparent from ground level. For instance: McGurk Meadow looks like a fox. A very skinny fox that's pointed uphill and has apparently offended the Tasmanian Devil, just to the west, who's winding up to send it into orbit, but a fox nonetheless.

The other vital point revealed by the satellite view is that the most picturesque part of McGurk Meadow, at the southern end where the wooden bridge crosses the stream (see the orange balloon), is located at just the part of a giant fox where you would probably least want to hang out. The presence of a stream here, is, in fact, a startling coincidence.